Ezekiel Benson, six shillings, 6s., good to the bearer for six shillings, New York currency, payable in army bills . :
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[Toronto?] : publisher not identified, [1815?]; 1 image with full-text search
Document Record
- Title
Printed ephemera.
Ezekiel Benson, six shillings, 6s., good to the bearer for six shillings, New York currency, payable in army bills . : York, [5th Augt] 1815 ... - Published
- [Toronto?] : publisher not identified, [1815?]
- Identifier
40791 - Subject
Money -- Ontario.
Monnaie -- Ontario. - Document source
- Scanned from a microfiche of the original publication held by Toronto Public Library.
- Notes
Signed in manuscript: Ezekiel Benson, Surveyor.
"No. 256."
1 online resource (1 page)
1 sheet (verso blank) ; 7 x 8 cm. - Collection
- Language
- English
- https://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.40791