Report of the Bureau of Archives for the province of Ontario.
Available issues: 8
Document Record
- Title
Ontario. Bureau of Archives.
Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada
Journal and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Upper Canada ...
Journals and votes of the House of Assembly of the province of Upper Canada ...
Proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Upper Canada ...
Journal of the House of Assembly of the province of Upper Canada ...
Journal and proceedings of the Legislative Council of the province of Upper Canada ...
Journals and proceedings of the Legislative Council of the province of Upper Canada ...
Proclamations by governors and lieutenant governors of Quebec and Upper Canada
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the province of Ontario. - Published
- Toronto : L.K. Cameron, [1903-1920]
- Identifier
9_70137 - Subject
Legislative journals -- Ontario.
Legislative bodies -- Ontario -- Publication of proceedings.
Journaux des débats -- Ontario.
Parlements -- Ontario -- Compte rendu des débats.
Ontario -- Politics and government -- 1791-1841.
Canada -- History -- Sources
Ontarixo -- Politique et gouvernement -- 1791-1841.
Canada -- Histoire -- Sources - Notes
The 4th (1906) report is composed of proclamations by governors and lieutenant governors of Quebec and Upper Canada; the 6th (1909), 8th (1911)-11th (1914) reports are composed mainly of reprints of the 1792, 1793, 1794 (in part), 1798-1808, 1810-12, 1814, 1816-1823/24 Journals of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada. The original printed or manuscript versions of most of the Journals from this time period were lost. Likewise, the 7th (1910) and 12th (1915) reports are composed mainly of reprints of the 1792-94, 1798-1808, 1810-12, 1814, 1819, 1821/22-1823/24 Journal and proceedings of the Legislative Council of the province of Upper Canada.
Title from title screen.
Libraries from which the original issues have been borrowed are identified on the microfiche.
The Journal of the House of Assembly issues have variations in half-title: Journal and proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Upper Canada ...; Journals and votes of the House of Assembly of the province of Upper Canada ...; Proceedings of the House of Assembly of the province of Upper Canada ...; Journal of the House of Assembly of the province of Upper Canada ...; Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada ...
The Journal of the Legislative Council issues have variations in half-title: Journal and proceedings of the Legislative Council of the province of Upper Canada ...; Journals and proceedings of the Legislative Council of the province of Upper Canada ...
For issues of the Journal of the House of Assembly publishing after 1824, see CIHM numbers 9_00941. For issues of the Journal of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada publishing after 1825, see CIHM numbers 9_00940.
Imprint varies.
"Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario."
Description based on: 4th (1906)
Includes indexes.
Bishop, O.B. Publications of the province of Upper Canada and of Great Britain relating to Upper Canada, 1791-1840 pages 39-40
Fleming, P. Upper Canadian imprints, 1801-1841, numbers 170
volume : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Upper Canada. Legislature. House of Assembly. Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada ... York [Toronto] : W.L. Mackenzie, [1825]- 1840. CIHM/ICMH Digital series = CIHM/ICMH collection numérisée ; (CaOONL) 006046266
Upper Canada. Legislature. Legislative Council. Journal of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada. [Toronto] : J. Carey, [1826- 1840] CIHM/ICMH Digital series = CIHM/ICMH collection numérisée ; (CaOONL) 20016010612 - Collection
Government Publications
- Language
- English