[The temporary acts of the general assemblies of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia ...].
Available issues: 21
Document Record
- Title
Nova Scotia.
At the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia ...
[The temporary acts of the general assemblies of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia ...]. - Published
- [Halifax, N.S. : Robert Fletcher, 1768-1797]
- Identifier
9_08066 - Subject
Statutes -- Nova Scotia -- Periodicals.
Law -- Nova Scotia -- Periodicals.
Session laws -- Nova Scotia.
Statuts -- Nouvelle-Écosse -- Périodiques.
Droit -- Nouvelle-Écosse -- Législation -- Périodiques.
Droit -- Nouvelle-Écosse -- Législation. - Notes
Supplied title.
Caption title: At the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia ...
"This was the first revised edition of Nova Scotia statutes. It contains, session by session, 1758-Oct., 1766, the text of acts passed and still in force, with titles of acts passed but no longer in force. Laws of a temporary character formerly published among the permanent enactments of each session were excluded from this work and published in a separate revised edition (No. 114) a little later. This distinction between Perpetual and Temporary acts was continued in the sessional publications, the laws of each session being published thenceforward in two series, Perpetual and Temporary, paged in continuation of this work and No. 114 respectively." Cf. Tremaine.
Imprint varies.
Bishop, O.B. Publications of the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, 1758-1952, pages 9
Tremaine, nos. 114, 429
volume ; 30 cm.
Merged in 1798 with: [The perpetual acts of Nova Scotia, passed in the ... General Assembly]. CIHM numbers 9_01306, to form: At the General Assembly of the province of Nova Scotia ... CIHM numbers 9_00917.
Nova Scotia. Laws, etc Temporary acts of the general assemblies of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia ... Halifax, in Nova Scotia : Printed and sold by Robert Fletcher, 1767. CIHM/ICMH Digital series = CIHM/ICMH collection numérisée ; (CaOONL) 006045995
Nova Scotia. Laws, etc Temporary acts of the general assemblies of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia, as revised in the year 1783. Halifax, in Nova Scotia : Printed and sold by Anthony Henry, 1784. CIHM/ ICMH Digital series = CIHM/ICMH collection numérisée ; (CaOONL)20056000162 - Collection
Government Publications
- Language
- English
- https://www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.9_08066