The Parliamentary reporter, or, Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island ... : The Parliamentary reporter, or, Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island, for the year 1870, being the fourth Session of the twenty-third General Assembly : 1870

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Aide Charlottetown : Patriot Book and Job Print. Rooms, 1870.; 95 images avec recherche en texte intégral

Notice bibliographique du document

The Parliamentary reporter, or, Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island, for the year 1870, being the fourth Session of the twenty-third General Assembly : 1870
Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island, for the year 1870, being the fourth Session of the twenty-third General Assembly
Adresse bibliographique
Charlottetown : Patriot Book and Job Print. Rooms, 1870.
Document original
Scanned from the microfilm held by the Prince Edward Island Department of Education, Public Archives and Records Office.
Publications gouvernementales