Canadian mining & mechanical review.
Available issues: 43
Document Record
- Title
Canadian mining and mechanical review
Canadian mining & mechanical review. - Published
- Ottawa : [Review Pub. Company, 1891-1894]
- Identifier
8_04199 - Subject
Mines and mineral resources -- Canada -- Periodicals.
Mining machinery -- Periodicals.
Mines et ressources minières -- Canada -- Périodiques.
Machines minières -- Périodiques. - Notes
Title from masthead.
Title from title screen.
Editor: B.T.A. Bell.
Issues reproduced: Vol. 10, numbers 1 (Jan. 1891)-v. 13, numbers 7 (July 1894)
Includes advertising matter.
"The Official Organ of the Gold Miners Association of Nova Scotia and the Representative Exponent of the Canadian Mining & Mechanical Industries."
"Official Organ of The Mining Society of Nova Scotia; The General Mining Association of the Province of Quebec; The Asbestos Club; and the Representative Exponent of the Mineral Industries of Canada."
Index precedes some issues.
3 volume, 7 numbers : illustrations, maps, plans, portraits ; 34 cm. - Collection
Serials: Periodicals, Annuals and Newspapers - Language
- English