Reports for year ending December 31st ... /

Available issues: 11

Document Record

St. David's Presbyterian Church (Saint John, N.B.). Annual Meeting, author
St. David's Presbyterian Church (Saint John, N.B.), author
Some issues have title: Minutes of annual congregational meeting ... and reports for year ending December 31st ...
Some issues have cover title: Annual report.
Reports for year ending December 31st ...
[Saint John, N.B.] : [St. David's Presbyterian Church], [187- or 188--19--]
St. David's Presbyterian Church (Saint John, N.B.)
St. David's Presbyterian Church (Saint John, N.B.). Annual Meeting
St. David's Presbyterian Church (Saint-Jean, N.-B.)
St. David's Presbyterian Church (Saint Jean, N.-B.). Annual Meeting
Document source
Electronic resource:
"Saint David’s Presbyterian Church was formed in 1847 when part of the congregation of Saint Andrew’s left to form a Free Presbyterian Church of Saint John. The new congregation built a church on Sydney Street and officially opened on August 25, 1850 under the name Fourth Presbyterian Church, only to be renamed a year later to Saint David’s Church. In 1875, Saint David’s Church broke its ties with the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland and joined in the Presbyterian Church of Canada. Saint David’s was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1877. Its battle with flames would continue in 1917 when it succumbed again to flames. Both times the people rallied and a new church was constructed. In 1925, Saint David’s Presbyterian Church became part of the United Church of Canada. On January 1, 1962, Saint Andrew’s United Church and Saint David’s United Church officially amalgamated to form The Church of Saint Andrew and Saint David, The United Church of Canada. It seemed fitting that the two congregations that were once one, were now together again. The Saint Andrew’s building was selected to house the newly united congregation." Cf. Website,, Church of Saint Andrew and Saint David - Saint John, viewed February 23, 2023.
Printer varies.
Issues reproduced: 1883-1888; 1890-1894; 1897.
Libraries from which the original publication has been borrowed are identified online on the issue record.
1 online resource
Serials: Periodicals, Annuals and Newspapers