Annual report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America

Available issues: 8

Document Record

Loyal Orange Association of British America. Grand Lodge. Annual Session author
Annual report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America
[Toronto?] : [Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America], [18--]-1855
Loyal Orange Association of British America. Grand Lodge
Loyal Orange Association of British America. Grand Lodge. Annual Session
Document source
Electronic resource:
The Order was formally organized in 1830 when Ogle Robert Gowan established the Grand Orange Lodge of British North America in Elizabethtown, which became Brockville in 1832.
In 1852 there was some dissatisfaction within the Lodge. In 1851 George Benjamin's name was put forward as Grand Master for 1852. At the meeting in 1852, George Benjamin was elected again, winning against former Grand Master, Ogle R. Gowen, who had put his name forward for the position at the 1852 meeting. There was a disruption in the 1853 meeting, with George Benjamin and the members supporting him leaving the meeting. The protesters that remained in the meeting elected Ogle R. Gowen as the Grand Master of the Lodge. This led to the division within the Grand Lodge, leading to two persons claiming to be the Grand Master and two bodies claiming to be the Grand Lodge of British North America.
Report for 1846/7 includes reports of a special meeting held October 6, 1846 and the general annual meeting held June 15-16, 1847; report for 1850 includes proceedings of the semi-annual meeting.
Printer varies.
Issues reproduced: 1846/7; 1850-1855.
Libraries from which the original publication has been borrowed are identified online on the issue record.
1 online resource
Ceased publication with issue for 1855.
Loyal Orange Association of British North America. Grand Lodge (1853-1856). Annual report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America at its general annual meeting 8_02418
Serials: Periodicals, Annuals and Newspapers