Proceedings of the semi-annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of British North America : Proceedings of the semi-annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of British North America : assembled in the Temperance Hall, in the town of Perth ... on Tuesday the 6th, and by adjournment on Wednesday the 7th days of September, 1853 : September 1853

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Aide [Ontario] : [Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of British North America], 1853; 94 images avec recherche en texte intégral

Notice bibliographique du document

Proceedings of the semi-annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of British North America : assembled in the Temperance Hall, in the town of Perth ... on Tuesday the 6th, and by adjournment on Wednesday the 7th days of September, 1853 : September 1853
Adresse bibliographique
[Ontario] : [Grand Lodge of the Loyal Orange Institution of British North America], 1853
Document original
Archives of Ontario, Library, Toronto.
Publications annuelles
Publications en série : périodiques, publications annuelles et journaux