Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Worthy Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Order of British Templars, late British American Order of Good Templars
Available issues: 7
Document Record
- Title
British Templars. Worthy Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. Annual Session author
Issue for 1867 has cover title: Journal of proceedings of the ... annual session of the Worthy Provincial Grand Lodges, of the B.A. & B. Orders of Good Templars, in the Province of Nova Scotia
Issue for 1872 has title: Journal of proceedings of the ninth annual session of the Worthy Grand Lodge of the Province of Nova Scotia, British Templars
Issue for 1873 has title: Journal of proceeding of the tenth annual session of the Worthy Grand Lodge, British Templars, of the province of Nova Scotia
Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Worthy Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Order of British Templars, late British American Order of Good Templars - Published
- [Halifax, N.S.?] : [Worthy Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, Order of British Templars], 1867-[19--]
- Identifier
8_01960 - Subject
British Templars. Worthy Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
British Templars. Worthy Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. Annual Session
Tempérance - Document source
- Electronic resource:
- Notes
"The growth of British Templarism, especially in the Lower Provinces ... Established, as the British American Order of Good Templars, in Canada West, in the year 1858, with but a small beginning, we find in 1864 that 357 Primary Lodges ... During that year, the Order was introduced into Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia ... The first Lodge was here [in Nova Scotia] organized November 14th, 1864, and the Provincial Grand Lodge was instituted December 12th, the same year, with twelve Primary Lodges in operation ..." Cf. Journal of proceedings of the Most Worthy Grand Lodge, British Templars, CIHM no. 8_02179_1, page 9.
Printer varies.
Issues reproduced: 1867-1873.
Libraries from which the original publication has been borrowed are identified online on the issue record.
1 online resource
Began publication with Fourth (1867) - Collection
Serials: Periodicals, Annuals and Newspapers - Language
- English