The works of Gilbert Parker

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Aide New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913.; 330 images, 304 avec recherche en texte intégral

Notice bibliographique du document

Parker, Gilbert, 1862-1932, author
Cumner's son and other South Sea folk
The works of Gilbert Parker
Adresse bibliographique
New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913.
Canadian fiction (English), CIHM
Canadian short stories (English), CIHM
Roman canadien-anglais, ICMH
Nouvelles canadiennes-anglaises, ICMH
Document original
Electronic resource:
Short stories.
Half title.
Added title page title: Cumner's son and other South Sea folk.
Each volume in the set has a unique title page and an introduction giving some background information about the work. Volume 1 also has an introduction to the whole set.
Scanned from a microfiche of the original publication held by Library and Archives Canada.
Imperial edition.
1 online resource (viii pages, 2 unnumbered pages, 313 pages) : illustration
Cumner's son -- The high court of Budgery-Gar -- An epic in yellow -- Dibbs, R.N. -- A little masquerade -- Derelict -- Old roses -- My wife's lovers -- The strangers' hut -- The planter's wife -- Barbara Golding -- The lone corvette -- A sable spartan -- A vulgar fraction -- How Pango Wango was annexed -- An amiable revenge -- The blind beggar and the little red peg -- A friend of the commune -- A pagan of the south.
Watters (2nd ed.), p. 228
Volume 5 of a 23 volume set. For individual volumes in the set see CIHM nos. 85946-85968.